


A Personalized Local Event Recommendation System for Mobile

Due to the inevitable trend of mobile life, mobile users are enabling to access information at anytime and anywhere by using wireless networks and mobile devices. Thus, mobility and prompt service are essential to create value,added services. Previous research has shown that location,based and

Qualcomm 2020 New Graduate 新鮮人招募專區

the mobile revolution was born. Today, our inventions are the foundation for life,changing products, experiences, and industries. As we lead the world to 5G, we envision this next big change in cellular technology spurring a new era of intelligent, connected devices and enabling new opportunities

Computational Biology Lab (分子偵探社 – 在分子層面解密生命

A new Review article from Kai,Chun Chang, Profs Wen and Yang was just published Kai,Chun Chang, Jin,Der Wen and Lee,Wei Yang (2015) Functional Importance of Mobile Ribosomal Proteins. BioMed Research International, V2015, Article ID 539238 (

春節拜年必備英文祝賀語 除了Happy New Year還有哪些說法? | |

1. May this year bring new happiness, new goals, newachievements, and many newinspirationsto your life. Wishing you a year fullyloaded withhappiness. (願今年為你的生活帶來新的快樂、目標、成就與靈感。 祝你充滿幸福的一年。) achievement (n)「成就」來自於動詞achieve,是「達成」的意思。同義詞 a

Chen Li New poems

I am alive, not knowing life is like a dream. I'm strolling the earth with eyes closed, not knowing I'm walking on the eggshell. The slippery cliffs of dream on all sides are seducing me to smash into pieces. I walk to my lover's bedside, spread toothpaste on a toothbrush to shi


Music streaming companies like this are coming to consumers' life. 2. With the uprise of handheld devices, consumers need a better audio device to enjoy the music content stored within these devices, for example headset or new audio products. 3. By taking advamtage of the handheld devices,


life,style has been changed We now carry smart mobile devices which has almost the same functionality and system as computers Thus a new type marketing research on the integration of smart mobile devices and smart vending machines has been conducted This research proposes the idea of "Integration

A Hybrid ELECTRE III Method Kano Model for Optimizing

A Hybrid ELECTRE III Method Kano Model for Optimizing Smartphone SelectionAlong with the rapid development of mobile communications, smart phones have become the most popular tool as a means to communicate. Thus, new smart phones have been constantly developed and introduced to cater to the needs

of Large Size Smart Phone User's Reading Motivation Life

With the technological advances in recent years, the development of Internet has provided people a new way to gain information. With the mobile communications services in common, it changes people's lifestyles and adds the convenience in life. Mobile phones become indispensable communication tool

Influence of Consumer Innovativeness on Willingness to Use

Innovators in using LBS owned different lifestyle to others as well. They tend to be leaders in their own social groups and pay more attention on latest trend in new products; they were also likely to broaden their own knowledge. Furthermore, the result of knowledge test indicated that

Innovative techniques for the testing of multimode mobiles

Inevitably, the demand for new phone designs and technology breakthrough is on the rise. In order to meet with customer expectation as well as rapid technological advancement, mobile phone manufacturers have to speed up their new product releases, and consequently, the life cycle of mobile phones

MTR > Go Smart Go Beyond

This new function provides you with the real,time arrival information of other public transportation services including franchised buses and green minibuses, making your journey easier and more convenient. #For more details, please visit,bus/ Tr

財智 , 生活 , etnet 經濟通 Mobile|香港新聞財經資訊和生活平台


方展策 智城物語 , 數碼新秩序 , 生活 , etnet 經濟通 Mobile|

譬如iPhone 15 Pro系列所用的正是最先進的3奈米製程。在AI熱潮推波助瀾下,半導體製程將加速改朝換代,未來兩年將從奈米全面升級至「埃米」境界。全球最大晶片生產商台積電宣布,將於2026年量產16埃米晶片,更豪言這是「半導體下一個新時代的開始」。究竟埃米技術的誕生對半導體產業會帶來甚麼衝擊呢?   埃米僅為頭

改朝換代Digital , 數碼新秩序 , 生活 , etnet 經濟通 Mobile|

在日本,無論在鄉村或城市,在最繁華的街區還是最破敗的街區,你都會經常偶然發現幽靈屋的存在。   在這個世界上最富有的國家之一,它們是人口坍塌的縮影。   這些房屋被稱為Akiya,也就是被遺棄的房屋,在過去幾年裡像黴菌一樣蔓延開來。日本政府最近一次統計是在2年前,它發現全國有950萬套房屋空置,佔總數的13

New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association

2019Mobile Van for Publicity Service on Mental Wellness , New LIFEs tyle 5861 Back to Top JC JoyAge: Jockey Club Holistic Support Project for Elderly Mental Wellness

3rd Issue of 2016

For instance, pasteurised milk only has a short shelf life. Drinking expired milk can lead to an imminent health hazard. Such kind of food should be marked with a "use by" date. "Best before" dates are related to the quality of food, its taste, texture, aroma and appearance. They

What's New , sportsperformance physiotherapy

With this new arrangement, you can simply present your HSBC life insurance card at the time of your appointment and our team will take care of the rest. Our goal is to make the payment process as seamless as possible so that you can focus on what really matters , taking care of your

FCE e,Bulletin

Entitled “Seamless Navigation in Urban Environment,” the research developed a new technology to improve mobile phone positioning accuracy with reasonable cost. It enables the positioning to achieve an accuracy of 2 metres in open areas, and less than 10 metres in dense urban areas, for mobile

職場 , 生活 , etnet 經濟通 Mobile|香港新聞財經資訊和生活平台

If you're going to launch a new product, you need to make sure you have a successful launch strategy in place. 如果你要發佈新產品,則需要確保自己已製定成功的發佈策略。 7. Lay off staff(裁員) Example: ABC Airways will lay off staff as the coronavirus pandemic has largely grounded the glob
熱門: 雇用駭客DcardPTT