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DTS Headphone:X Nahimic Audio 除了基本的 Windows 御三家音訊空間,Legion Slim 5i 可以透過由 SteelSeries 技術提供的 Nahimic Audio 音效軟體,做到加強音效環繞與電競娛樂方面的感受提升。 在電源剛開機狀態,按下 F2,就能進到支援簡體中文語系的 BIOS,獨立顯卡的性能模式也能在此處切成獨顯直連模式。 實測充電數據:

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his stammer" [syn: tease, badger, pester, beleaguer] 2: tap a telephone or telegraph wire to get information; "The FBI was tapping the phone line of the suspected spy"; "Is this hotel room bugged?" [syn: wiretap, tap, intercept] [also: bugging, bugged]DICT

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MOBILE是一個英語單詞,意為可移動的、 行動自如的。 釋義 mobile 英[ˈməʊbaɪl] 美 [ˈmoʊbl] adj. 可移動的; 行動自如的; 易變的; 流動性的 n. 手機; 風鈴 形式 複數: mobiles 形近詞: MOBILE Mobile mobike 例句 1 I'm still very mobile.


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〈以影犯禁: 冷戰, 瘟疫, 諜戰〉(Image Surveillance: Cold War, The Plague, and Spy War),《中國文學學報》no. 2. (Dec 2011):313,26。 2014〈六七「暴動」與香港的電影文化〉,沈旭輝[編]:《1967:國際視野的反思》。香港:天地圖書,2014,156,97.


After his net gets caught in the boat engine, North Korean fisherman Chul,woo drifts into South Korea where he gets detained as a suspected spy. Determined to return home to his family, Chul,woo fights tooth and nail against the sadistic interrogation officer's brutal treatment and stubbornly


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